(untuk jenis Infrastructure as a Service)
Syarat dan Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku bagi Pelanggan CBNCloud, sebagaimana yang terdaftar didalam Formulir Pendaftaran CBNCloud, dengan demikian Pelanggan bersedia untuk mentaati peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan fasilitas Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, dengan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Dalam pelaksanaan penggunaan Layanan, dengan ini Pelanggan menyatakan dan menjamin bahwa:
CBNCloud hanya mengakui Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini sebagai dasar perikatan dengan Pelanggan didalam penyediaan Layanan oleh CBNCloud, oleh karenanya apabila dikemudian hari terdapat perselisihan dengan pihak ketiga atau pihak manapun yang tidak berkepentingan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, maka CBNCloud dibebaskan dari segala tuntutan hukum atau ganti kerugian secara materil dan imateril yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya perselisihan tersebut.
Keadaan Kahar
Para Pihak tidak dapat diminta pertanggungjawabannya untuk keterlambatan atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, yang disebabkan oleh hal-hal diluar kekuasaan Para Pihak, seperti :
Yang kesemuanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pelaksanaan ketentuan Syarat dan Ketentuan.
Apabila Pihak yang mengalami terjadinya Keadaan Kahar, setelah melakukan upaya yang maksimal tetap tidak dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan, maka Para Pihak akan melakukan perundingan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut untuk mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan bagi Para Pihak.
Masing-masing Pihak mengetahui bahwa setiap informasi yang diperolehnya mengenai atau terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pihak lawannya yang diterima sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan adalah merupakan informasi rahasia atau informasi yang mungkin dianggap Pihak lawannya sebagai informasi rahasia. Oleh karena itu masing-masing Pihak wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dan tidak akan, tanpa persetujuan Pihak lawannya, membukanya kepada pihak ketiga lainnya untuk maksud apapun selain yang diperbolehkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penyesuaian tagihan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime yang akan diperhitungkan pada tagihan bulan berikutnya dengan perhitungan penyesuaian sebagai berikut
SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM
R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC
Dt = jumlah downtime (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender
hM = jumlah waktu (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender
MC = biaya bulanan
SLB = Service Level yang terjadi perbulan
SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)
R = Jumlah Restitusi yang diberikan
Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa berlangganan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime lebih dari Service Level Agreement yang diberikan dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut:
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
R = Penambahan masa berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)
Dt = Jumlah downtime yang terjadi selama berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam- menit-detik)
DtSLAmax = jumlah maksimal downtime yang dijanjikan menurut Service Level Agreement dikalikan jumlah bulan masa berlangganan sesuai jenis paket prabayar yang digunakan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)
Apabila jumlah penambahan masa berlangganan kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari
Pelanggan A berlangganan layanan dengan prabayar paket 1 bulan
Downtime yang terjadi selama Pelanggan A berlangganan adalah 5 jam 36 menit
Maka perhitungan penambahan masa berlangganan yang diperoleh A adalah sebagai berikut
Dt = 5 jam 36 menit
DtSLAmax = 3 jam 36 menit x 1 = 3 jam 36 menit
Penambahan masa berlangganan adalah
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 jam 36 menit – 3 jam 36 menit = 2 jam
Dikarenakan R = 2 jam = kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari
(for Infrastructure as a Service)
This Terms and Conditions applied only for CBNCloud Customer’s as registered on CBNCloud Registration Form therefore Customer agree to obey all of regulation and prevailing provisions in the use of Services provided by CBNCloud, with the terms as follow:
In using the Service, the Customer hereby state and warrants as follows:
There are some Prohibited activities in using the Service, as follows:
CBNCloud only acknowledge this Subscription Terms and Conditions as its engagement base with the Customer in providing the Service therefore if in the future there have been dispute with another party or third party who is not authorized in this Terms and Conditions, CBNCloud shall be released from any legal claim or lawsuits arising out from such dispute.
Each of the Parties is not liable for the delay or failure to fulfill its responsibility, caused by the following matters:
All which have a direct effect toward the implementation of the terms and conditions of this This Terms and Conditions.
On the event where a Party experiencing force majeure, soon after taking maximum measurements and still is unable to tulfill the Terms and Conditions, therefore the Parties shall conduct a negotiation to resolve the problem for the best solution for both Parties.
Every Party who knows that every Information obtained regarding or related to the activity of its counterpart, which was received as the effect of the conduct of this Contract is the information under secrecy of the information, which may consider by the counterpart under secrecy. Therefore each Party must preserve the secrecy of the information and shall not, without the consent of the other Party (the counterpart) disclose the information to the third party for any purpose other than which was permitted to by the prevailing Law.
The Customer is entitled to a fee adjustment in downtime occured, which will be calculated in the subsequent month’s fee with the formula as follows :
SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM
R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC
Dt = the amount of downtime (hour/minute) in one month calendar
hM = amount of time (hour/minute) in one month calendar
MC = Monthly Charge
SLB = Actual service level permonth
SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)
R = Amount of restitution given
The Customer shall be entitled to subscription period extention or restitution if downtime occured more then the guaranteed Service Level Agreement , which will be calculated with the formula as follows :
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
R = subscription period extention (hour-minute- second based)
Dt = amount of downtime occured during subscription period (hour-minute- second based)
DtSLAmax = maximum amount of downtime guaranteed based on the Service Level Agreement multiplied by amount of months according to prepaid packages used
If the subscription period extention less than 24 hours, then the subscription period extention given will be 1 day
Customer A is subscribing a 1 month prepaid packages service
Occured downtime during Customer A subscription period is 5 hours 36 minutes
the calculation of subcription period extention given to A is as follows
Dt = hours 36 minutes
DtSLAmax = 3 hours 36 minutes x 1 = 3 hours 36 minutes
subcription period extention shall be
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 hours 36 minutes-3 hours 36 minutes = 2 hours
Due to the reason that R = 2 hours = less then 24 hours, the subscription period extention shall be 24 hours
(untuk jenis Software as a Service)
Syarat dan Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku bagi Pelanggan CBNCloud, sebagaimana yang terdaftar didalam Formulir Pendaftaran CBNCloud, dengan demikian Pelanggan bersedia untuk mentaati peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan fasilitas Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, dengan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:
CBNCloud hanya mengakui Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini sebagai dasar perikatan dengan Pelanggan didalam penyediaan Layanan oleh CBNCloud, oleh karenanya apabila dikemudian hari terdapat perselisihan dengan pihak ketiga atau pihak manapun yang tidak berkepentingan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, maka CBNCloud dibebaskan dari segala tuntutan hukum atau ganti kerugian secara materil dan imateril yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya perselisihan tersebut.
Dalam penggunaan Layanan ini terdapat beberapa hal yang dilarang dan wajib ditaati oleh Pelanggan, adapun hal-hal tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Keadaan Kahar
Masing-masing Pihak tidak dapat diminta pertanggungjawabannya untuk keterlambatan atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, yang disebabkan oleh hal-hal diluar kekuasaan Para Pihak, seperti :
Yang kesemuanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pelaksanaan ketentuan Syarat dan Ketentuan.
Apabila Pihak yang mengalami terjadinya Keadaan Kahar, setelah melakukan upaya yang maksimal tetap tidak dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan, maka Para Pihak akan melakukan perundingan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut untuk mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan bagi Para Pihak.
Masing-masing Pihak mengetahui bahwa setiap informasi yang diperolehnya mengenai atau terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pihak lawannya yang diterima sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan adalah merupakan informasi rahasia atau informasi yang mungkin dianggap Pihak lawannya sebagai informasi rahasia. Oleh karena itu masing-masing Pihak wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dan tidak akan, tanpa persetujuan Pihak lawannya, membukanya kepada pihak ketiga lainnya untuk maksud apapun selain yang diperbolehkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penyesuaian tagihan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime yang akan diperhitungkan pada tagihan bulan berikutnya dengan perhitungan penyesuaian sebagai berikut
SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM
R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC
Dt = jumlah downtime (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender
hM = jumlah waktu (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender
MC = biaya bulanan
SLB = Service Level yang terjadi perbulan
SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)
R = Jumlah Restitusi yang diberikan
Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa berlangganan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime lebih dari Service Level Agreement yang diberikan dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut:
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
R = Penambahan masa berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)
Dt = Jumlah downtime yang terjadi selama berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam- menit-detik)
DtSLAmax = jumlah maksimal downtime yang dijanjikan menurut Service Level Agreement dikalikan jumlah bulan masa berlangganan sesuai jenis paket prabayar yang digunakan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)
Apabila jumlah penambahan masa berlangganan kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari
Pelanggan A berlangganan layanan dengan prabayar paket 1 bulan
Downtime yang terjadi selama Pelanggan A berlangganan adalah 5 jam 36 menit
Maka perhitungan penambahan masa berlangganan yang diperoleh A adalah sebagai berikut
Dt = 5 jam 36 menit
DtSLAmax = 3 jam 36 menit x 1 = 3 jam 36 menit
Penambahan masa berlangganan adalah
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 jam 36 menit – 3 jam 36 menit = 2 jam
Dikarenakan R = 2 jam = kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari
(for Software as a Service)
This Terms and Conditions applied only for CBNCloud Customer’s as registered on CBNCloud Registration Form therefore Customer agree to obey all of regulation and prevailing provisions in the use of Services provided by CBNCloud, with the terms as follow:
CBNCloud only acknowledge this Subscription Terms and Conditions as its engagement base with the Customer in providing the Service therefore if in the future there have been dispute with another party or third party who is not authorized in this Terms and Conditions, CBNCloud shall be released from any legal claim or lawsuits arising out from such dispute.
There are some Prohibited activities in using the Service, as follows:
Each of the Parties is not liable for the delay or failure to fulfill its responsibility, caused by the following matters:
All which have a direct effect toward the implementation of the terms and conditions of this This Terms and Conditions.
On the event where a Party experiencing force majeure, soon after taking maximum measurements and still is unable to tulfill the Terms and Conditions, therefore the Parties shall conduct a negotiation to resolve the problem for the best solution for both Parties.
Every Party who knows that every Information obtained regarding or related to the activity of its counterpart, which was received as the effect of the conduct of this Contract is the information under secrecy of the information, which may consider by the counterpart under secrecy. Therefore each Party must preserve the secrecy of the information and shall not, without the consent of the other Party (the counterpart) disclose the information to the third party for any purpose other than which was permitted to by the prevailing Law.
The Customer is entitled to a fee adjustment in downtime occured, which will be calculated in the subsequent month’s fee with the formula as follows :
SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM
R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC
Dt = the amount of downtime (hour/minute) in one month calendar
hM = amount of time (hour/minute) in one month calendar
MC = Monthly Charge
SLB = Actual service level permonth
SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)
R = Amount of restitution given
The Customer shall be entitled to subscription period extention or restitution if downtime occured more then the guaranteed Service Level Agreement , which will be calculated with the formula as follows :
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
R = subscription period extention (hour-minute- second based)
Dt = amount of downtime occured during subscription period (hour-minute- second based)
DtSLAmax = maximum amount of downtime guaranteed based on the Service Level Agreement multiplied by amount of months according to prepaid packages used
If the subscription period extention less than 24 hours, then the subscription period extention given will be 1 day
Customer A is subscribing a 1 month prepaid packages service
Occured downtime during Customer A subscription period is 5 hours 36 minutes
the calculation of subcription period extention given to A is as follows
Dt = 5 hours 36 minutes
DtSLAmax = 3 hours 36 minutes x 1 = 3 hours 36 minutes
subcription period extention shall be
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 hours 36 minutes-3 hours 36 minutes = 2 hours
Due to the reason that R = 2 hours = less then 24 hours, the subscription period extention shall be 24 hours
This Microsoft Cloud Agreement is entered into between the entity you represent, or, if you do not designate an entity in connection with a Subscription purchase or renewal, you individually ("Customer"), and Microsoft Regional Sales Corporation ("Microsoft"). It consists of the terms and conditions below, Use Rights, SLA, and all documents referenced within those documents (together, the “agreement”). It is effective on the date that your Reseller provisions your Subscription. Key terms are defined in Section 10.
All rights granted under this agreement are non-exclusive and non-transferable and apply as long as neither Customer nor any of its Affiliates is in material breach of this agreement.
Microsoft reserves the right to verify eligibility at any time and suspend the Online Service if the eligibility requirements are not met.
The remedies above are Customer’s sole remedies for breach of the warranties in this section. Customer waives any breach of warranty claims not made during the warranty period.
The parties will defend each other against the third-party claims described in this section and will pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment or approved settlement, but only if the defending party is promptly notified in writing of the claim and has the right to control the defense and any settlement of it.
The party being defended must provide the defending party with all requested assistance, information, and authority. The defending party will reimburse the other party for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses it incurs in providing assistance. This section describes the parties’ sole remedies and entire liability for such claims.
For each Product, each party’s maximum, aggregate liability to the other under this agreement is limited to direct damages finally awarded in an amount not to exceed the amounts Customer was required to pay for the applicable Products during the term of this agreement, subject to the following:
Customer's Reseller will provide details on support services available for Products purchased under this agreement. Support services may be performed by Reseller or its designee, which in some cases may be Microsoft. If Customer purchases Professional Services under this agreement, the performance of those Professional Services will be subject to the terms and conditions in the Use Rights.
Notices should be sent to:
Microsoft Regional Sales Corporation
Dept. 551, Volume Licensing
438B Alexandra Road, #04-09/12, Block B
Alexandra Technopark
Singapore 119968
You agree to receive electronic notices from us, which will be sent by email to the account administrator(s) named for your Subscription. Notices are effective on the date on the return receipt or, for email, when sent. You are responsible for ensuring that the email address for the account administrator(s) named for your Subscription is accurate and current. Any email notice that we send to that email address will be effective when sent, whether or not you actually receive the email.
Notwithstanding anything in this agreement, consumers may have the benefit of certain, rights or remedies pursuant to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and similar state and territory laws in Australia in respect of which liability may not be excluded. If so, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, such liability is limited, at Microsoft’s option, in the case of goods to either (1) replacement of the goods or (2) correction of defects in the goods, and in the case of services to either (1) resupply of the services or (2) the cost of the resupply of the services. Australian law requires Microsoft to notify consumer purchasers of Microsoft goods that: "Microsoft’s goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. Customer is entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Customer is also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure."
Any reference in this agreement to “day” will be a calendar day.
"Acceptable Use Policy" is set forth in the Online Services Terms.
"Affiliate" means any legal entity that a party owns, that owns a party, or that is under common ownership with a party. “Ownership” means, for purposes of this definition, control of more than a 50% interest in an entity.
"Consumption Offering", "Commitment Offering", or "Limited Offering" describe categories of Subscription offers and are defined in Section 2.
"Customer Data" is defined in the Online Services Terms.
"End User" means any person you permit to access Customer Data hosted in the Online Services or otherwise use the Online Services.
"Fix" means a Product fix, modifications or enhancements, or their derivatives, that Microsoft either releases generally (such as Product service packs) or provides to Customer to address a specific issue.
"Licensing Site" means or a successor site.
"Non-Microsoft Product" is defined in the Online Services Terms.
"Online Services" means any of the Microsoft-hosted online services subscribed to by Customer under this agreement, including Microsoft Dynamics Online Services, Office 365 Services, Microsoft Azure Services, or Microsoft Intune Online Services.
"Online Services Terms" means the additional terms that apply to Customer’s use of Online Services published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time.
"Previews" means preview, beta, or other pre-release version or feature of the Online Services or Software offered by Microsoft to obtain customer feedback.
"Product" means all products identified in the Product Terms, such as all Software, Online Services and other web-based services, including Previews.
"Product Terms" means the document that provides information about Microsoft Products and Professional Services available through volume licensing. The Product Terms document is published on the Licensing Site and is updated from time to time.
"Professional Services" means Product support services and Microsoft consulting services provided to Customer under this agreement. "Professional Services" does not include Online Services.
"Reseller" means an entity authorized by Microsoft to resell Software licenses and Online Service Subscriptions under this program and engaged by you to provide assistance with your Subscription.
"SLA" means Service Level Agreement, which specifies the minimum service level for the Online Services and is published on the Licensing Site.
"Software" means licensed copies of Microsoft software identified on the Product Terms. Software does not include Online Services, but Software may be a part of an Online Service.
"Subscription" means an enrollment for Online Services for a defined Term as established by your Reseller.
Term" means the duration of a Subscription (e.g., 30 days or 12 months).
"Use Rights" means the use rights or terms of service for each Product published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time. The Use Rights supersede the terms of any end user license agreement that accompanies a Product. The Use Rights for Software are published by Microsoft in the Product Terms. The Use Rights for Online Services are published in the Online Services Terms.